Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ The Knight and His Shadow (African Humanities and the Arts) by Boubacar Boris Diop

The Knight and His Shadow (African Humanities and the Arts) by Boubacar Boris Diop

The Knight and His Shadow (African Humanities and the Arts)

The Knight and His Shadow (African Humanities and the Arts) by Boubacar Boris Diop PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A brilliant tour de force, The Knight and His Shadow tells the tale of Lat-Sukabé’s quest to find his former lover, Khadidja, who writes him to “come before it’s too late.” As Lat-Sukabé recounts his past with Khadidja, reality shapeshifts and takes on a dreamlike quality. He describes how Khadidja is hired by a wealthy stranger to sit before an open door and tell stories into an uncertain darkness, unable to see the person to whom she speaks. Like Lat-Sukabé and Khadidja, the reader feels farther from home with every page, as the world turns and morphs. With those shifts, the symbolic order, the basis of meaning and sanity, begins to tremble. Postmodernist sensibilities meet postcolonial concerns in this lyrical novel from a master of Senegalese literature.

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