Kamis, 16 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design (2nd Edition) (Fashion Series) by Susan Lazear

Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design (2nd Edition) (Fashion Series) by Susan Lazear

Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design (2nd Edition) (Fashion Series)

Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design (2nd Edition) (Fashion Series) by Susan Lazear PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

For college and high school courses in Fashion Design by Computer, Fashion Illustration by Computer, Computer Design, and CAD for Fashion.


This fully-updated text addresses industry’s need to train fashion students to draw fashion flats and illustrations, textile designs, and presentations using the latest versions of Adobe Illustrator. Emphasizing the creative process, ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR FOR FASHION DESIGN, 2/e  explores Illustrator’s powerful capabilities as related to drawings of clothing, fashion poses, and textile prints. It offers clear and illustrated instructions throughout, guiding students through learning all the electronic drawing techniques they will need to work successfully in fashion. In this second edition, new online videos show students how to perform many key techniques step-by-step, and online examples of previous student projects inspire new students. This Second Edition also adds updated coverage of merchandising techniques, electronic portfolio preparation, technical drawings, tech packs, and much more.

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