Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Heartbreak Ridge : Korea, 1951 by Arned L.Hinshaw

Heartbreak Ridge : Korea, 1951 by Arned L.Hinshaw

Heartbreak Ridge : Korea, 1951

Heartbreak Ridge : Korea, 1951 by Arned L.Hinshaw PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A set of rugged hills close to the demarcation line between North and South Korea came to be known as Heartbreak Ridge when an operation to take these hills, initially expected to be completed in one day, continued for a full month of bitter sacrifice. Arned L. Hinshaw pay homage to the bravery and raw courage of the men who stood face to face with an unyielding enemy. Let there be no mistake about it, he writes in the introduction, the Korean War was a clear win for the United States and the United Nations.

Hinshaw describes the battle in a way no one else could--through the personal accounts of soldiers who were in this bloody battle. Through resource books and interviews with soldiers, Hinshaw describes in vivid detail the daily combat experiences of the soldiers. Heartbreak Ridge includes detailed information about the Korean War, maps and photographs. It will appeal to those interested in the Korean War, military history buffs, and those interested in the tactics and strategies of war.

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