Alfred's Kid's Ukulele Course 1: The Easiest Ukulele Method Ever!, Book & CD by Ron Manus, L. C. Harnsberger
Alfred's Kid's Ukulele Course 1: The Easiest Ukulele Method Ever!, Book & CD by Ron Manus, L. C. Harnsberger PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Geared for kids ages five and up, Kid's Ukulele Course 1 is the easiest ukulele method ever, and will get children playing songs on the ukulele right away. Three irresistible ukulele experts---a clever classical dog, one cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator who loves the blues---guide students along, focusing kids' attention by pointing out what's important on each page and making learning fun! This course is perfect for classroom and home use, and even parents without musical training can be effective guides through the method. The accompanying CD will make it even easier by demonstrating how the music in the book should sound. Songs: Aloha Oe * Over the Rainbow * When the Saints Go Marching In * and many more.From reader reviews:
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