Emerald - Touchdown Edition (Dream Series) (Dream: Touchdown Edition) by Christine Webster
Emerald - Touchdown Edition (Dream Series) (Dream: Touchdown Edition) by Christine Webster PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Emerald Johnston is sure that she is destined to be a pop star. After years of coming up short in auditions, she finally gets her big break. But she soon finds out that recording an album, going on tour, and rising up the music charts is really hard work. Everyone in her life seems to be pulling her in opposite directions. Plus, the business is all about image which really stinks. They tell her that her waste is too big, and her hair is too red, and that her skirts aren t short enough. It s as if her voice doesn t even count! Can she become a star and still be true to herself? Can she make it to the top without losing the people she loves along the way?From reader reviews:
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