Jumat, 06 November 2015

PDF⋙ High-Caliber Holiday (First Responders) by Susan Sleeman

High-Caliber Holiday (First Responders) by Susan Sleeman

High-Caliber Holiday (First Responders)

High-Caliber Holiday (First Responders) by Susan Sleeman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


Held hostage on a train, ex-lawyer Morgan Thorsby finds her powers of persuasion failing her for the first time. Former marine sniper Brady Owens is her only hope—but his split-second hesitation on the trigger leaves her wounded. Yet when an obsessed stalker threatens Morgan, Brady steps up. Protecting someone so tough and beautiful is hardly a chore, but Brady pulls back every time they get close. Morgan isn't ready for the connection forming between them, either, but she knows she needs his help. Can Brady capture the culprit in time for Christmas? 

First Responders: Brave men and women alert and ready for danger and love.

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