Mosby's Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice by Elsevier
Mosby's Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice by Elsevier PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Completely revised and rebuilt to correspond to the latest Pharmacy Technician industry standards, Mosby's Pharmacy Technician: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition includes all the information on pharmacy practice, anatomy and physiology, math calculation, and pharmacology you need to prepare for a successful career as a Pharmacy Technician. This approachable text includes new chapters on Medication Safety and Error Prevention and Communication and Role of the Technician with the Customer/Patient, along with new information on the latest pharmacy laws, HIPAA, USP 797, and much more. With its clear writing, expert insight, and engaging study tools, you will be able to develop a better understanding of the complex pharmaceutical content you need to pass the PTCB examination and succeed on the job.
- Comprehensive coverage of the most important subject areas taught in pharmacy technician programs provides comprehensive coverage of pharmacy practice, A&P, and pharmacology to prepare you for the PTCE and your future jobs.
- Technician Scenarios and Technician Scenario Check-up boxes highlight real-world examples.
- Comprehensive drug tables with pill images and label photos make learning drug information easier.
- Tech Notes and Tech Alerts offer practical references related to the chapter subject matter.
- Mini drug monographs provide the drug information you need for the drugs covered in the text.
- A&P content is included in the Body Systems section to help you build a foundation for how drugs work in the human body.
- Technician’s Corner boxes include critical thinking exercises applicable to the chapter content.
- Pharmacist’s Perspective boxes provide insights from the eye of the pharmacist.
- NEW! Update of pharmacy laws offers the latest issues and information found on the PTCB examination, including:
- HIPAA, the Medicare Modernization Act
- recent legal changes due to the selling of pseudoephedrine products
- the issuance of multiple Schedule II prescriptions
- pending legislation requirements for Medicaid prescriptions
- NEW! Completely revised TOC includes chapters on community pharmacy practice, institutional pharmacy practice, additional pharmacy practice settings, and individual chapters on the body systems.
- UNIQUE! New chapter on Medication Safety and Error Prevention to address the growing reports of technician-related medication errors.
- NEW! Chapter on Communication and Role of the Technician with the Customer/Patient highlights the increased customer-facing role that pharmacy technicians are now expected to have.
- NEW! Revised chapter on Math Calculations provides simple rules and examples for practice.
- NEW! Discussion of USP 797 covers the latest guidelines on all prescription and OTC medicines, dietary supplements, and other healthcare products manufactured and sold in the U.S. set forth by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).
- NEW! Full-color photographs of hospital, retail, and home healthcare offers a visual of key areas and automation in the practice of pharmacy.
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